About Shree Hanuman Vyayam Prasarak Mandal
Shree H. V. P. Mandal, Amravati, established in 1914 and is registered under Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 and Societies Registration Act 1860. It is a Voluntary, Social, Non-Political & Secular Institute, managed with democratic principles & practices. It is founded by Vaidya Brothers namely Shri. Ambadaspant & Shri. Anant Krishna Vaidya with their colleagues, freedom fighters on the broader principles of equality, fraternity & social justice. Honorable National leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Subhash Chandra Bose, Dr. Rajendra Prasad visited & blessed this organization. Martyrs Rajguru & D.S. Deshpande were the two illustrious students of this institution. To standardize and popularize India's traditional system of physical culture and develop sport and allied science and employ them strategically towards welfare of the masses, Institute has timely organized various tours in India (J&K, Delhi, Calcutta, Ahmadabad, Lucknow, Amritsar, Panji, etc.) as well as abroad (U.S.A., Berlin, U.S.S.R., Finland, France, Japan, England, Germany, Argentina, Brazil, etc) for Propagation of Indian Traditional sport since year 1928. After Independence, to propagate traditional Indian Sports and Yoga, the Mandal concentrated its efforts on the training of teachers in Physical Education and Yoga, and gradually diversified its activities to the field of Ayurvedic medicine, tribal and school education and Engineering and Technology. The Mandal is the recipient of prestigious "Aadivasi Seva Sanstha Puraskar - 1997 of Maharashtra Government" for its work in tribal regions and the "State Government Award -2002" for Educational institutions. The work of the Mandal has been appreciated by many organizations and received honours in the form of awards and certificates from time to time.German Dictator Adolph Hitler has also honored this Institute with a medal for its breath taking demonstrations in Berlin Olympics Games in the year 1936.
The aims and objects for which the institution is formed and established are :
- To inculcate love for Physical culture among the citizens specially the youths of the country, irrespective of caste, creed or religion.
- To adopt ways and means to systematize and popularize the Traditional Indian System of Physical Culture.
- To undertake Research work in Health, Nutrition, Physical Education and Recreation.
- To study and adopt Physical Culture activities of other countries as well, and introduce the same, as and when, necessary and suitable for the development of Indian Citizens.
- To stimulate interest and awareness among the masses about Physical Fitness & Sports.
Objective of the institution
To promote the education at all level of human development on firm foundation of national integration and solidarity . To provide for quality practice for developing teaching ablilites through self realization. self development for national development . To provide for teacher personality development by includeing value system .